Thursday, January 25, 2018

All this green and blue is just wrong. Ain't no winter here. Flip flop heaven.

All this green and blue is just contrary to what I'm used to in Winter, Don't know what kept me from coming here sooner, seems like I've only been talking about it for 40 years or so.

After a long 27 hour flight day, it was nice to finally arrive. I had a 1 hour 45 minute layover in Denver. A 5 hour 10 minute layover in LA and a 4 hour and 25 minute layover in Faa'a.

One of the things that I noticed here was the lack of formal footwear. Almost everyone, with the exception of the Police, Security personnel and tarmac service workers, all wear flip flops. It's a fashion statement that I can buy into. The other thing is how lots of people wear flowers in their hair, more so than anywhere I've been. Male, female, doesn't seem to matter.

The 10 O'Clock flight to Moorea took just 10 minutes from boarding to landing. Moorea is just 60 some miles from the main island of Tahiti.

I was picked up by a very nice man, who's name I didn't catch, who told be about all the fun things to do while I was here. He said that there are around 17K full time residents of the island. He had moved here from Huahine (Who-he-knee) 31 years ago because there was more work here than there. He recommended that if I visited there, not to spend more than 2 days unless I really liked diving and fishing. "Very small island".

The hotel resort is very lovely. Very lush grounds, not an exception beach, as there are very few here, but nice coral gardens around the over water bungalows. I'll check them tomorrow.

The Hotel entrance.

My garden view room. (Real flowers, of course)

Some of the over water bungalows and looking out to sea.

Town is just a short 5 minute walk and has a nice shopping center with pearl shops, a grocery store, some restaurants and lots of t-shirt places.

Since French Polynesia is French, I bought my usual French dinner of a baguette, some brie, sausage and a nice bottle of Bordeaux. All for under 20 dollars.

A two hour nap was just what I needed and afterwards I spent some quality time on the beach just admiring the view.

Tonight was Polynesian night at the hotel with a hour long show. Great looking people and great music.

More pics added tomorrow once I figure out how to down load them from my iphone to google. Why don't they play together better?

Touring the island tomorrow. Lotsa great views I hope.


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