Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fun Fun Fun. Angels are LOSERS. Lost Wages Baby.

Last Night.


Oh wait. This is the shot.

After three fun filled days with Bill and Sallie, I had to make my way part of the way home. 4 plus hours to Las Vegas, but it wasn't as bad getting out of LA this morning as I feared and thanks to the directions from my intrepid hosts.

I arrived in Los Alamitos on Sunday afternoon after a nice drive down from Morro Bay. Spent two wonderful days walking around Venice, Seal Beach, Long Beach and Los Alamitos with Bill. Had a great dinner with the Stouts and son Macey and Fiancee Taylor. Bill makes a mean Coq au Vin. We drank way too much.
Monday night after trips to Costco and Total Wine we had dinner at Super Mex in Seal Beach. Very yummy Mexican food

Last night the Los Angeles Angels hosted the Boston Red Sox and I treated the Stouts to the game and they treated me to a interesting ride through rush hour traffic to the stadium (plus dinner and beer).

The best seats that we could get just coincidentally ended up in the Boston rooting section. Way more Red Sox fans than Angel fans but good seats along the first base line about 20 rows up. 

The game however was a bust. First Boston batter, home run. It went down from there as the Angels lost 10-1.

I hit the highway to Las Vegas around 9:15. Took the 605 to the 210 to the 15 and at that time traffic wasn't a huge nightmare. Lots of traffic for sure, but not stop and go by any means.

Arrived in LV around 2 and am staying at the Rio. I like their "All Suites" rooms but the fees are getting out of hand. Don't know if I'll stay here again. Advertised as a $35 room, but add in $30 dollars for a "resort" fee and it's not so cheap. To make things even more aggravating they wanted to charge me another $22 for arriving early. Guess my "That's Bullshit" comment gave them a hint that I wasn't happy so they didn't add it to the bill. Yet.

Nice room, no speak of. 

Tomorrow Grand Junction for a night to visit my friends Kris and Fred, then heading home to greet the snow that's supposed to fall on Friday afternoon and night.

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