Saturday, May 4, 2019

A day in our lives in Sorrento. Three floors up, one face plant short. Dancing in the moonlight.

First of all I want you to know that Mary is a very, very bad influence on my blogging ability. She’s a go, go, go girl. No time for sitting around and writing. I’m doing this very early in the morning.

With that out of the way, but not withstanding the problems that I’m having with this website ( I had problems posting in France as well), I’ll keep trying to git er done or switch to emails with occasional pictures rather than this format

After a good nights jet lag sleep, we headed out to Sorrento for a day of sightseeing. I’m amazed at how many tourists there are here considering it’s just the start of the season. Trains are always full and the streets are packed.

The weather was mostly cloudy but the temp was in the upper 60’s so it was very pleasant. We walked down from the train station to Piazzo Laura in search of some views of the harbor. Just of the main Piazzo (Tasso), there is a great view of the twisting Via Marina Piccola. We took pics there and continued working our way down, first thru some side streets then eventually taking the stairs rather than walking along the road. Since it’s so narrow, you always have a close encounter with the buses and cars that are whipping up and down.

This port, compared to ours at Piano di Sorrento, is really hopping. It’s the main access for most of the tourists to Capri or taking the ferry to Naples. It also has a couple restaurants and a very small beach which wasn’t being used as the weather isn’t yet ready for the hordes that will eventually flock here in the summer months.

On the way down we spotted a restaurant, aptly named the “Foreigners Club” and doubled back to have a bite of lunch since we hadn’t eaten anything all morning.

Mary and I decided to share a couple dishes, along with a glass of wine each, instead of ordering big plates. We had grilled Calamari, fried Pumpkin blossoms with ricotta and ham and a nice citrus risotto. Combined with the outstanding view of the Gulf of Naples, it was pretty close to perfect.

While I took care of the bill and went to the men’s room, Mary heard one of the waiters singing “Rock n Roll, Rock n Roll” and found that he liked rock n roll and in fact this restaurant had live music every night from 7 to 11. We’ll check it out later we decided.

After the walk back up the hill we stopped in the Church di San Francesco and the adjoining cloister where a photo exhibit of Sophia Loren was being staged. The photographer had some terrific large format landscapes as well. Oh and one very naughty picture of two Italian guys pushing a woman’s car. (Hopefully I’ll be able to attach a shot of it if Mary captured it. For some reason our tech connections are working as well as they should. Don’t know why but I lost a couple pics and this blog  is still acting up.)

Mary and St. Francis of Assisi

We wandered the streets for a while mixing with the tourists on the Via San Cesareo and Corso Italia. Stopped in the Sorrento Cathedral, which I had visited last time I was here, to see all the wonderful wood inlay doors and pictures of the Stations of the Cross. It’s really beautiful.

I picked up a bottle of Limoncello and a Chianti for dinner. Mary found a nice “grocery tote” with a map of Italy and most of the places we’re going to visit. Very strong, the lady said. Hold 44 lbs. We’ll see.

One of the shopping areas of Sorrento:

By this time it was running around 4 PM and Mary wanted to visit the “BEST” mozzarella shop in Piano so we took the train back to Piano and tried to find the place. We didn’t, but we did get a short walking tour of “downtown” and saw an interesting deli that was closed of course.

Hit the grocery store for some cream for Mary and some crackers and cheese and asparagus for dinner.

Well I got this far, but the blog issues continue so I’ll end it here with just a short version of the face plant story. We were heading up the three flights of stairs when I caught the front toe of my sandals on the lip of a step. Made sure I didn’t drop the bottle of wine I was carrying and did a “graceful” spill on the steps.

“Good thing no one saw that” I said. Yeah Mary pointed out. “Except for that guy”.

On the upper landing of the next floor a gentleman was waiting for the elevator and had a very concerned look on his face. Should have done a gymnast “Tada” but didn’t think that quickly.

Ciao for now.

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