Another gorgeous day in Southern Arizona. No clouds and a expected high of 78.
Headed out after rush hour traffic for the Wasson Peak trail which is located in the Saguaro National Park on the east side of Tucson
After climbing Gates Pass Road, which offers terrific sunset views, you following N. Kinney Road to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. The trailhead parking lot is located just past the entrance to the museum. There were some 20 cars already in the lot so I figured that there would be lots of folks on top.
The trail starts either up a old mining road or through the wash for a distance of a mile. I met a gentleman looking for pictographs in the wash and he told me to just keep on going till I saw the trail. It's pretty apparent.
Once you reach the turnoff for the Mam-a-Gah picnic area, you're supposed to see the slightly hidden steps that lead up to the peak. Supposed. I missed them and continued for a mile up the was to a box canyon that ended a old mining claim.
Part of the wash with the west end of Wasson Peak in the background.
After reaching the end, I retraced my steps and found the turnoff to the peak trail. It only added about a mile and a half to my walk, sigh.
A steady climb of about a mile lead to the junction of the Sweetwater and Kings Canyon Trails.
The Ocotillos were starting to bloom thanks to some recent rainfall. That's the trail junction in the back ground
Some of the Saguaro's on the trail.
The Santa Catalina's from the start of the final approach.
It's a rather steep climb up the trail from here. I counted 24 short switchbacks past a few mines till you reach the turn off for the loop back to the parking lot.
The last approach to the top in the distance.
Looking back towards the loop cut off (at the gap between the two peaks. This right about where I caught the guy who I met in the wash who told me the trail was easy to find. "Hey you made it" he said. "Yeah, my guide got a little distracted looking for pictographs so I went on without him and made a wrong turn" says I. Went way over his head. Nice man though and we walked the rest of the way up and talked about climbing Picacho Peak that lies north of town on I-10. He'd done it a few weeks earlier and had met a guy from Golden that gave him a ride back to where he'd parked his car.
Great views of both Tucson and all around from the top. 12 or so people on top so I didn't stay long. Took some pics but am having trouble with my being about to transfer them from my nice camera.
Little poppies dotted the trail in places on the way down. There's bee that was busy foraging but it's had to make it out.
A tiny, six inch saguaro growing out of the rocks.
Wasson peak in the distance at sunset.
Tomorrow, if the legs are willin', its off to the Romero Pools. A 5 mile round trip.
Hasta luego.
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