Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Off day. Exploring Meta.

Meta di Sorrento is the next town over as you head towards Naples. It’s even less touristy than Piano with steeper streets as it sits closer to the  mountains that separate the metro area from the peninsula.

We were pleasantly surprised to find find that the street next to us was blocked off for market day though the market was more about clothes than produce. Didn’t really matter as we were looking for a cheese factory that our host Candida had recommended as the best Mozarella in Piano.

As with all directions we found the area but not the store. Mary asked a gentleman and he pointed us down a ramp to the entrance.

The lady behind the counter was very nice and patient when trying to describe in her limited English the different cheeses that they sold. Mary bought a half of a kilo which might be too much as we’re planning dinner in Sorrento one of the next two nights. We won’t throw it out.

From there were took a meandering walk looking for the entrance to a peninsula that had a camping area that thought we could see from our balcony. Turns out we found it but it wasn’t the view we thought it was but nice regardless.

Glamping european style.

From there we continued on to Meta di Sorrento to explore some more.

After walking along the main road and practically dodging cars and trucks, Mary led us off in another direction on a narrow street.

We circled around town through some back streets and narrow alleys and arrived at a staircase that led down to sea level.

The waves were 6 or 8 feet and crashing against the breakwater.

We had a great lunch at Giosue a Mare.

I’d tell you all about it but I’m so frustrated at using this website on my IPad that I’ve decided to quit for this trip. I won’t make the mistake of taking an IPad on vacation ever again.

Sorry. Will update you via email when I feel like it.

Ciao for now.

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