Sunday, May 5, 2019

Windy Punta. You have a friend in Termini. Pizza with French Fries (Could have been a instant heartattack).

Today we caught a bus in Sorrento bound for Termini. It’s that last village on the peninsula and the start of the Punta Campanella walk. The cape, which is a marine sanctuary and National Park is supposedly the place where Ulysses and his crew crossed paths with the Sirens.

It was a fun ride but I was glad I wasn’t driving. Narrow roads combined with tight turns and Italian drivers could spell disaster but our driver only had to back up once and then only to let another bus make a tight turn.

In the research of the hike that I had done it said that we would see signs pointing the way to the trail. I use the word trail very loosely here. I didn’t see anything but asked a gentleman on a motor cycle the direction and he pointed me towards the start.

Actually the trail was a road that ran southeast out of town towards the ocean. After 3/4 of a mile or so it became a road of paving stones. It wasn’t till the last 1/2 mile or so that it turned into a real trail.

This road was supposedly built by the Greeks  and then Romans dating back to the early 600’s AD.
It’s been improved several times, once by the Saracens in the 1300’s and again as the lighthouse was built. At the end of the hike is a ‘temple” built by Ulysses to honor the goddess Minerva.

According to legend, every Feb 14th you can here a bell ring from the bottom of the ocean. Hence, Punta Campanella, Bell Point.

Nice downhill walk. Long uphill walk back.

As we started down a gentleman approached us and struck up a conversation with Mary (I ignored him). Come after your walk. I have Limoncello, beer, wine. I live with my Mama and wife. We cook.

So after our walk we decided to have a beer since we had some time to kill before our bus back.

First mistake.

The beer hit the spot. We asked for caprese for one, got two. Didn’t send it back. Then I made the mistake of asking about a cab since it had started raining and we didn’t want to hang out for another hour and a half waiting for the bus.

They were happy to oblige, for a price of course, to take us to Sorrento. Needless to say it was a bit more expensive, but the weather didn’t look like it was going to get better anytime soon.

Our cab and driver.

Nice enough kid who drove us. All part of the experience as Mary says.

Back in Sorrento before we caught the train back to Piano,  we visited the site of a old mill at the bottom of a ravine in the middle of town.

We then rested our tired dogs and planned on getting pizza from Braccio di Ferro for dinner. I really wanted the French fries topping, but settled for fresh mushrooms, bacon and cheese. Mary opted for Eggplant, Tomato and Sausage. Not many leftovers,

Not much of a sunset so nothing to show.

Who knows what will happen tomorrow.

Ciao for now.

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